Start: 01.11.2023 End: 31.10.2028 Website: CAIMed Lower Saxony Center for AI and Causal Methods in Medicine CAIMed is the Lower Saxony Center for Artificial […]
ELLIS – the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – aims to strengthen Europe’s sovereignty in modern AI research. The L3S is now represented […]
Start: 01.09.2022 End: 30.09.2025 Website: SoBigData RI PPP SoBigData Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project SoBigData Research Infrastructure (RI) is a distributed and multidisciplinary research […]
Start: 01.09.2021 End: 31.08.2024 Website: SEARCH SEARCH creates an intelligent digital learning space for problem- and use-oriented search of digital learning content. – Funding […]
Start: 01.07.2022 End: 30.06.2025 Website: ATTENTION! ArTificial inTelligENce for the deTectIon of trade-based mOney lauNdering! Illicit trade is a problem of massive proportions, yet […]
Start: 01.01.2021 End: 30.11.2025 Website: Leibniz AI Academy Hybrid Micro-Degrees for Academic Training The goal of the project is the development and establishment of […]
European Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity Start: 01.01.2023 End: 31.12.2025 Website: DAISEC European Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity The European […]
Design of a master’s course on explainable AI for healthcare professionals and everyone interested in applying AI to the healthcare sector. Start: 01.05.2021 End: 31.10.2024 […]
Paving the Way towards Personalized Prevention and Care of Severe Norovirus Gastroenteritis. Start: 01.01.2020 End: 30.09.2023 Website: train-plattformen/train-projects/present PRESENt Paving the Way towards Personalized […]
Knowledge Graphs at Scale Start: 01.10.2019 End: 30.09.2023 Website: KnowGraphs Knowledge Graphs at Scale Knowledge graphs (KGs) are a flexible knowledge representation paradigm intended […]