Marco Fisichella and Marcel Wever have been accepted into the ELLIS AI network

The ELLIS Membership Committee and the ELLIS Board of Directors have welcomed L3S research group leaders Dr. Marco Fisichella and Dr. Marcel Wever as new members of the ELLIS Society e.V.

ELLIS – the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – is a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. It builds upon machine learning as the driver for modern AI and aims to secure lasting international leadership of AI made in Europe by connecting top researchers in this field and by creating a multi-centric AI research laboratory. Currently, ELLIS counts around 1,000 AI researchers as members.

L3S members Wolfgang Nejdl, Sören Auer, Marius Lindauer, Bodo Rosenhahn, Markus Magnor, and Daniel Kudenko are also part of the network.