Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Müller


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Müller


Matthias Müller is Full Professor for Automatic Control and Director of the Institute of Automatic Control  at Leibniz University Hannover

Research Focus
  • Model Predictive Control
  • Analysis and control of nonlinear systems
  • Analysis and control of networked dynamical systems
  • Data and learning based estimation and contro

For a list of Matthias Müller’s publications, please  follow this link.

Curriculum Vitae

Matthias A. Müller received a Diploma degree in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and an M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US, both in 2009. In 2014, he obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart for a dissertation entitled “Distributed and economic model predictive control: beyond setpoint stabilization”. From 2014 to 2019, he held a lecturer and later senior lecturer position (Akademischer Oberrat) at the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control at the University of Stuttgart. He joined the Leibniz University Hannover as full professor for automatic control and director of the Institute of Automatic Control in February 2019.

Current projects at L3S

Model predictive control for reactive traffic control

Model predictive control for reactive traffic control

Investigating suitable MPC appraoches to emulate a reactive environment for testing AVs in different scenarios.
Online Optimierung

Online Optimierung

The goal of the project is to develop and investigate online convex optimization (OCO)-based control schemes for general cost functions and constraints without relying on restrictive assumptions.