Dr. Markus Stocker

Research Group Leader

Dr. Markus Stocker

Research Group Leader

Research Group: Knowledge Infrastructures Lab

Research Focus
  • Knowledge Synthesis
  • Data Science
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Neurosymbolic Systems
  • Research Infrastructures
  • Data Infrastructures
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Scholarship
  • Environmental Informatics
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Stocker is Head of the Knowledge Infrastructures Lab at the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and lecturer at Leibniz University Hannover. He holds a PhD in Environmental Informatics from the University of Eastern Finland; a MSc in Environmental Science from the University of Eastern Finland; and a Diploma (MSc) in Informatics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. His research interests lie at the intersection between research infrastructures and research communities, and how such infrastructures produce, maintain, and share scientific knowledge about human and natural worlds. Prior to TIB, Dr. Stocker held a postdoctoral research associate position at PANGAEA, the Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, at the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. As a member of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), he co-chairs the WG Persistent Identification of Instruments. Dr. Stocker has several years of professional experience in software development and semantic technologies, with positions at Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol, UK and Clark & Parsia, Washington DC, USA. He enjoys working together with scientists and has experiences with aerosol scientists, biogeochemists, and agricultural scientists. He collaborates with environmental research infrastructures, in particular ACTRIS (European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases), ICOS (European Integrated Carbon Observation System) and NEON (US National Ecological Observatory Network).