Prof. Dr. Sascha Fahl


Prof. Dr. Sascha Fahl


Sascha Fahl is Tenured Faculty at  CISPA and Full Professor for computer science in his Empirical Information Security group, which is part of the  Institute of IT-Security at Leibniz University Hannover.

Research Focus

Sascha Fahl studies the intersection of computer security and privacy with human factors, particularly investigating end users, operators, developers and designers of computer systems and their interdependencies with computer security and privacy mechanisms.


For a list of Sascha Fahl’s publications, please  follow this link.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2018 Pro­fes­sor for com­pu­ter sci­ence

2017-2018 Head of the institute of In­for­ma­ti­on Se­cu­ri­ty at Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty Han­no­ver

2016-2017 In­de­pen­dent re­se­arch group lea­der of the usa­ble se­cu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy group at CISPA, Saar­land Uni­ver­si­ty

2016 PhD in com­pu­ter sci­ence, Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty Han­no­ver

2015 Soft­ware en­gi­neer (SWE) in­tern, Chro­me Se­cu­ri­ty team, Goog­le (Moun­tain View)

Current projects at L3S

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