Margrit Seckelmann is professor for Public Law and the Law of the Digital Society at Leibniz University Hannover.
For a list of Margrit Seckelmann’s publications, please follow this link.
August 2021 – Appointment to a university professorship in digital society law at Leibniz University Hannover.
December 2019 – Appointment as associate professor by the Senate of the German University of Administrative Sciences.
January 2016 – Inaugural lecture at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer.
December 2015 – Habilitation at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer on “Evaluation and Law. Structures, Processes and Legitimation Issues of State Knowledge Acquisition through Evaluations using the Example of Science Policy”, first referee: Prof. Dr. Jan Ziekow, second referee: Prof. Dr. Joachim Wieland.
Trial lecture: “The Text Structure of the Democratic Rule of Law. ‘Plain Language’ as a Legal Problem”.
Award of the venia legendi for public law, legal and constitutional history, legal theory and administrative science.
January 2004 – Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Law, Examiners: Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Michael Stolleis and Prof. Dr. Joachim Rückert, topic “Industrialization, Interna-tionalization and Patent Law in the German Empire, 1871 – 1914” (summa cum laude).
January 2004 – Completion of the in-service course for young science managers, Speyer.
November 1999 – 2nd State Examination, Judicial Examination Office Berlin.
July 1998 – Magistra Artium (Modern and Contemporary History), Free University of Berlin, supervisors Prof. Dr. Reimer Hansen and Prof. Dr. Hagen Schulze, topic: “The Dispute between Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on the Establishment of a Constitutional Court for the Weimar Republic”.
September 1996 – Diploma in “English for Legal Studies”, Institute for Advanced Language Studies, University of Edinburgh.
July 1996 – 1st State Examination, Judicial Examination Office Berlin.
April 1991 – Intermediate examination in German and History, transfer to the Free University of Berlin.
October 1990 – commencement of double studies with law.
October 1989 – Beginning of studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, subjects: History and German Studies.
May 1989 – Abitur, Humanistisches Gymnasium am Ostring, Bochum.
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