Introducing: Malte Kuhlmann Opt4DAC Conditional Coding for Learned Image and Video Compression MoToRes TraceSec KIEEP Researchers L3S Research Center Advisory Board Meeting Highlights AI Strategy and Innovation Members Prof. Dr. Amr Rizk L3S researchers publish new book Updates & News Home CLEVER All Projects Metaphor as an Explanation Tool (TRR 318 C04) INF Towards a Framework for Assessing Explanation Quality (TRR 318 INF) BacData VaMoS 2 Multi-armed bandits for the recommender system for returns reduction Markus Fidler Research at L3S  Communication & Strategy ATIQ Prof. Dr. Ali Ayub joins L3S Research Center as DAAD scholarship recipient Marco Fisichella and Marcel Wever have been accepted into the ELLIS AI network CAIMed Annual Closing: Insights into AI Research for Personalised Medicine Zukunftslabor “Gesellschaft und Arbeit” (Future Lab “Society and Work”) The L3S XTREME USWA SE²A PlanOS PRAD Pearl-DNA OER with Ukraine Final symposium of the Future Lab Society & Work Zukunftslabor “Produktion” (Future Lab “Production”) NFDI4 Data Science ARENA ADINeMo Career We are hiring: Research Associate (PhD Student) in Artificial Intelligence How GPT-4 Fails in Medical Tests – and Yet Still Convinces  Zukunftslabor “Gesundheit” (Future Lab “Health“) FoDaHemm Zukunftslabor “Mobilität” (Future Lab “Mobility”) DAAD scholar from Perth researches at L3S for three months Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG)